Our POTUS Thinks Its Okay To Drive A Cart On Greens

I’m not the strictest guy when it comes to golf rules–as long as you’re not playing in a official tournament, are courteous and aren’t oblivious to fellow golfers or causing property damage while playing.

But, our POTUS Donald Trump was caught driving his cart on a green at Trump National Golf Club (yes he owns it).

Twitter blew up. And rightfully so. I don’t care if you own the course. It shows you’re essentially an obliviot who cares not one bit about other golfers (or your course superintendent for that matter). As they say, this was horrible optics. Excusing it by saying “it’s my course” doesn’t help either–especially as our nation’s “leader.”

Forget your political affinities. This is merely doing the right thing. And our nation’s leader did not. Not by any stretch of leeway.

Seriously though, is anyone really surprised?