Recapping Tiger’s Return Plus One Fairly Amazing Stat

The return of the Tiger Woods Show to PGA Tour play was about as good as one could expect–except for his most delusional fans always predicting victory. He made the cut, displayed a salty short game that saved his bacon and finished apparently pain-free (and tied for 23rd).

Oh, and the crowds following him were near Prime Time Tiger levels.

I’d say it was better than baby steps. He looked happy, engaged and signed more autographs in four days than he’d normally do in a year of Prime Time Tiger. And he grinded like ‘ol Tiger to somehow survive without finding fairways finishing better that over 2/3 of the field.

On the downside, Woods driving accuracy was deplorable (17 of 56!!!)–finishing tied for last in hitting fairways. So much for the magic of TwistFace technology–unless TaylorMade PR counters with “imagine how out of bounds Woods would’ve been without hitting the TwistFace!”

Tiger said, “Very pleased,” he said. “I fought hard for these scores.”

That said, here’s a fairly incredible stat for Tiger’s return.

The golf boys weigh in

Ritter: You can pick away at individual parts of his game that need improvement, but this week, on this course, I give him a solid A.

Sens: I said last week that I thought he’d finish right around the cut line, and that he’d hit enough good shots to give the optimists cause for hope and enough poor ones to give the doubters cause for skepticism. That’s pretty much how I think it played out. I’d give him a C- for ball-striking and an A for his short game. B overall.

Ritter: I didn’t expect him to hit only 30 percent of his fairways. Most weeks, that kind of number leads to an early flight home. But by the same token, I would never expect him to drive it so wildly and still crack the top 25. He still found a way to post a score, which is one of the hallmarks of the Tiger of old. I have no idea where this comeback is going to go, but overall I’m encouraged.

Sens: I thought we’d see a lot of short game hiccups. But his short game was what saved him from some pretty ratty play from tee to green.

There was one instance where some boob shouted out “In the hole!” during Woods’ backswing while putting.

Those familiar with the game were understandably miffed. Constant noise is one thing and easy to manage. A sudden one is another story. Well, except when you know nothing about golf but spout off anyway.

I’m surprised this Ticket brother coughed up such a Bayless-type HSO. Shoot off a cannon while someone is shooting a free throw, diving off a board, getting ready to pitch–hell just about anything that’s sudden and loud and see how that athlete performs. C’mon Jake, you’re better than that. I think.

The incident led to this exchange between the offender and the nearby gallery via

Several people at the hole identified a dark-haired man in sunglasses and a visor as the violator.

The man reportedly apologized to the menacing mob – “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry” – but to limited avail.

“You’re an idiot. Go home!” one person said.

Meanwhile, a tournament volunteer asked the man: “Sir, what were you thinking?” he asked.

The volunteer then reported raised his arms and shrugged at the crowd.

“If I were you all, I would beat his ass,” he said, according to

Repeating: “That’s what you guys should do.”

Anyway, next stop is the Genesis Open at Riviera CC in two weeks. After that, Woods is staying mum on his schedule, but I’d presume he’ll head to his favorite Florida venues at The Honda and Bay Hill.