

Planning the perfect family vacation is often an exercise in compromise or the art of the deal, as one former president once wrote. But it’s hard to go wrong in the North Florida haven of Hammock Beach, the history of St. Augustine and, of course, a nearby side trip to Orlando and Mickey Mouse. Enough to keep everyone happy and …

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PGA TOUR events take a lot of work. From sponsorship sales to hospitality areas and putting together a dynamite field for the fans, Tournament Director is a tireless, and sometimes thankless job. Michael Tothe and Jon Drago put in more work than just about anyone getting the Charles Schwab Challenge and the CJ CUP Byron Nelson together, making sure that …

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Options Make For A Better Tournament  By Victoria Edwards • Director of Sales, Cowboys Golf Club When given a variety of course options to hold a tournament, what factors should I consider? The size of the outing and projected number of participants, their abilities and skill levels should be taken into consideration. And, since most golfers enjoy eating and drinking …

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Hayden Springer may not be a name you’re familiar with. But to his family and friends, he is a husband, a father, a son and an inspiration.  In just a matter of a few weeks, this soon-to-be 27-year-old and his wife, Emma, experienced an emotional whirlwind unlike most people ever will, beginning on November 13 when their daughter, Sage, passed …

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When you use the term “royal blue” with the ever-scenic Caribbean, it can mean a lot of different things. It can certainly refer to the sky and the weather, which are blue and full of sunshine for a vast majority of the year. It can also refer to the Atlantic Ocean waters that lap up to the shores of this …

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When you hear the words “golf trip” or “golf getaway,” what usually comes to mind? Perhaps you think of a bunch of guys, nonstop golf, greasy food, drinks and sports bars. Being married to a golfer and the daughter and sister of golfers, that’s what I envision the men in my life have done while away on golf weekends. Personally, …

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As AVIDGOLFER celebrates its silver anniversary in 2023, one of its original staffers takes a look back at some of her favorite moments – and, in particular, what she deems as its “one shining moment” – during the magazine’s first year.  You have to understand that Google was in its infancy in early 1999, the year I moved to Texas …

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Twenty-five years is a long time. It works out to 300 months, a little over 1,300 weeks, 9,131 days, 219,144 hours, 13,148,640 minutes and 788,918,400 seconds.  In a quarter century, AVIDGOLFER Magazine has evolved, grown and expanded with the Metroplex golf landscape. In that time, AG has delivered hundreds of thousands of magazines to courses around the area, as well …

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Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain, is accurate in many ways. The wind-blown fields and wide-open vistas make the Sooner state one of the most underrated destinations in our great land. Golf may be a little scarce north of the Red, but the courses Oklahoma does have are legendary by anyone’s standards. Southern Hills, Dornick Hills, Oak …

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If you have been paying attention, then you are aware this is the 25th anniversary of the publication. For those 25 years, we have given our readers the Best of Public Golf rankings. Every year, our staff sits down and discusses (sometimes ad nauseum) where we think each course should be ranked based on any number of criteria. We try …

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