
Welcome back, avid golfers, and I hope that you all made it through the cold weather in good shape. While March can still experience cold weather, we start to see the days getting longer and there are some pretty good golf days during the month. It is also the time of year when we start hearing the “A” word around …

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With the new year well underway and yet another arctic winter blast in the books for 2025 (yes, this was also true in 2024), we have plenty of distractions in our day-to-day lives, so it can be easy to forget that it is spring//summer pre-emergent weed control season. If you are a loyal AVIDGOLFER reader and supporter of this column, …

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As golfers, we know that December  21st marks the shortest daylight day of the year and, after that, we start gaining a bit of extra daylight every day. That means more golf.  This time of year, I usually am inundated with questions around the clubs, dealing with live (plant) Christmas decorations and how to choose and care for them. I …

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Welcome to November, avid golfers! Last year’s November article was so popular that, as I wandered the first tees and clubhouses of both big and small clubs, the very same questions or group of questions came up. As I try to keep things relevant and useful, I will be adding a few new insights over and above last year’s article.  …

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Congratulations, avid golfers! We have officially made it to September and the worst of the summer heat is behind us. This year has certainly provided us with some unpredictable weather extremes. Now I know we are all looking forward to some amazing golf course conditions this fall. I also know the last thing you want to think about is turf/lawn …

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Welcome, avid golfers, to the August edition of Ask the Superintendent. It is customary this time of the year that I share tips and facts about working and playing in the heat, and I certainly want everyone to play lots of golf and work safely when you are outside. So please check the AVIDGOLFER archives for the heat stress-related articles; …

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Welcome, avid golfers, to some of the longest daylight days of the year! June is a great month for getting in at least 36 holes per day. Thus, the question that I get most often this time of year is when is the longest daylight day of the year? Most golfers are aware that this mystical and scientific day is …

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Since the earliest days of golf, this question has recurred, “What are my responsibilities as a golfer to maintain the golf experience?” This question is so big and so misunderstood that I reached out to my good friend at TPC Craig Ranch, Mike Kiesling, Director of Golf, to help us answer the question. It seems that beyond the core philosophy …

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Happy New Year, avid golfers!  January is often a cold and transition month for all of us who maintain golf courses and green spaces. However, one thing that jumps out this time of year (did you set any personal goals or resolutions?) is that we are setting goals, planning the work and aligning the budgets to the work for the …

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Happy Holidays, avid golfers! We have made it to the last month of the year and, as golfers, we know that on December the 21st we mark the shortest daylight day of the year. After that, we start gaining a bit of extra daylight every day, and that means more golf.  This time of year, I have historically been covered …

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