
We have arrived at the toughest, hottest part of the golf season and no matter what plantings and turf you have, you know that water management in July is critical for success, August is just around the corner, but smart watering now is paramount to protecting your green assets. This year has been quite a test for lawns and landscapes …

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Greetings avid golfers, and welcome to the 100+ days of fun that we call summer. For the detailed conscious among us, summer 2023 officially starts on June 21, on the longest daylight day of the year – or the summer solstice. You should most certainly plan on getting in 36 holes on that day, as it is considered in some …

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Welcome back avid golfers. Can we all agree that it’s nice to see the month of May! We posted another Jeckell and Hyde winter with a Polar Vortex followed by dry 80-degree highs, followed by snow/sleet, followed by tornados. In summary, it was yet another tough winter on plants and green assets of both clubs and homeowners. Now it’s finally …

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Welcome back avid golfers and please note the arrival of the most anticipated month in golf, April 2023 is finally here. Yes, the Masters will officially start on April 6th, the DFW frost date passes on April 20th and we will celebrate Earth Day on Aprill 22. Golf season is here and now is the perfect time to answer the …

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Welcome back avid golfers, and I hope that you took advantage of the bits of good golfing weather between the deep freezes. We have arrived at that awkward part of the season when the warm season grasses are still mostly dormant and the weather is just starting to shift. But we are all ready for spring golf and, so, as …

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Greetings avid golfers, and welcome to February! The North Texas weather has lived up to its reputation for unpredictability so far this winter. We held great color on the warm-season grasses late into the year; that is, until the polar vortex rolled through and gave us three days of below-freezing weather and a solid 11-degree low temperature in the midst …

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Happy New Year Avid Golfers, and welcome back to the monthly behind-the-scenes question and answer session that is “Ask the Superintendent.” January is often a time that we, as superintendents, look to evaluate the previous season, organize things (personally and professionally) and set a few new goals for the upcoming golf season. Last January, we took a deeper look at …

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It is finally December in DFW, and that means it’s time to decorate for the holidays. Some people and clubs go small … and some go BIG! No matter the extent of your decorating, there are life-long memories to be made this time of year, and the holiday decorations – whether at the club or at your home – will …

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Happy Thanksgiving Avid Golfers, and welcome to another fact-filled edition of “Ask the Superintendent.” It has been quite a year for the golf industry in North Texas, and we all have much for which to be thankful.  This month’s question has bounced around the club for quite a while, and it has a lot to do with the housing market …

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Welcome Avid Golfers to the post-summer celebration that has some of the best golfing conditions of the year, namely the month of October. Around the club these days, there is a lot of talk about how hot the summer was … this naturally leads to the obvious speculation of how cold the winter will be. You may recall that the …

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