
Back in the day, there was a saying you might have heard: “Drive for show, putt for dough.” While that saying is still true today, courses are getting longer, and driving isn’t necessarily just for show anymore. Man, does it help if you hit longer drives and are hitting into the green with short irons or wedges instead of longer …

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So many times, I hear students say, “I hit great on the range, but I have trouble taking it to the course.” The majority of times I get on the course with students it is not a swing issue, but instead a course management issue. They don’t tee off on the correct sides of the box or pay attention to …

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Don’t let the thick rough get to you. There are many ways to hit the ball when it is sitting down in the rough, but here is one easy way I like to go about this shot. Start by setting up with the ball in the middle of your stance. From here, lean to your lead side, having your weight …

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Do you struggle in the sand? Time to get rid of those frustrations! There are three common sand lies you can experience: fluffy sand; hard compact/thin/wet; and buried. Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “yeah, well how the heck do I have success from those lies?” Fluffy Sand Lies (Use a wedge with more bounce; your clubhead will have a …

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Inconsistency can be one of the most frustrating things in golf! Do you ever find yourself chunking your iron shots? The result of a chunked shot is the low point of your swing arc being too far behind the golf ball at impact.  First, I will start with a couple reasons why you may chunk the ball. Ball position being …

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One of the questions I constantly get from students is how I shape the ball right to left or left to right. I have a few secrets below that are guaranteed to make you draw or fade the ball. Before I discuss how to draw and fade the ball, it is important you understand what causes a draw and fade. …

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Swing plane is very important and having the correct swing plane for each individual student, since everyone is different, helps improve a player’s consistency, accuracy, and distance. Swing plane and club head path are closely related, as a club head’s path is the line that the clubhead travels along through impact. The drills I have demonstrated for this month will …

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“How do I get more consistency?” is one of the questions I get most from my students. There are many variables that equate to more consistency. Clubface direction at impact, club path, setup, and ball to clubface contact at impact are all factors that must be considered when trying to become more consistent. Last month we worked on improving setup, …

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Can’t believe another year has already passed! it’s simply amazing how time flies! If you’re looking to hit straighter and longer drives in 2022, My goal will be to help you achieve that. Over the next several months, we’re going to work on hitting more fairways and increasing your knowledge and skills to help you shoot your lowest scores ever! …

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How would it make you feel to hit longer, straighter drives? Well, these tips will help you with that! Many golfers struggle hitting their driver consistently because of how they stack their upper body over their lower body in their swing. When players stack their upper body over their lower body in the swing it tends to create an upper …

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