
Is your takeaway setting you up for success or disaster? One of the most common questions teaching professionals get is “How do I get more consistency in my game?” The takeaway is a big key in consistency as it starts the golf swing and helps determine what will happen in the downswing. I have demonstrated several drills below to help …

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Aim is one of the most overlooked fundamentals in golf for amateurs. Amateurs almost always go straight to “fixing their swing” before even thinking about looking at their aim and alignment. Picture this, you are a sniper where you must hit the bullseye, you have a rifle with a telescopic sight attached to it which requires the telescopic sight and …

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I constantly have students ask what exercises they can do to gain more flexibility and mobility. What is the difference between flexibility and mobility? Flexibility is the ability of a muscle or muscle groups to lengthen without resistance during a range of motion while mobility is the ability to move actively during a range of motion. With this being said, …

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I get this question all the time: “How can I have better control of my distances with my wedges?” Far too often, I see students lose unnecessary strokes around the greens from not being able to control their distances with their wedges and their ball either ending up short, where they have to chip again, or long in the water, …

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When I ask students the shot they dread the most it is almost always the green side bunker shot. This is usually because they don’t have the proper setup to hit the shot. Setup is key to hitting a green side bunker shot, as it sets up the entire swing. One of my favorite quotes about bunker shots comes from …

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As an instructor, I get this question all the time: “What is the difference between pitching and chipping?” A chip shot is going to stay lower to the ground, carrying less in the air and rolling more, where a pitch shot will carry in the air more and roll less. Now that we have determined the differences between the two …

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Is it just me, or does this frustrate you too? Let me set the scene for you, I just hit the best drive of my life on a short par-4 and only have a short chip left for eagle or I can get up-and-down for a birdie. What do I do? I skull it across the green or hit behind …

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Well, we made it through 2020 … and what a crazy year. Thank goodness it’s in the rear-view mirror now! Cheers to 2021 and accomplishing our New Year’s resolutions together. To help you get started on your New Year’s resolution of shooting lower scores on the golf course, let’s take a look at one of the most important parts of the game …

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