Fitness – Lower Body Strength

Want to improve leg strength? Add these two exercises into your weekly routine. Be sure to tempo three seconds down and one second up to simultaneously improve your power.
Rear Elevated
Split Squat 3×15
Begin with one foot placed behind you on a standard height surface. Bend both knees down and hinge hips keeping back straight. Return to starting position, repeat. Complete exercise on both sides.
Progression 1: No weights, hold onto surface with a hand for increased stability
Progression 2: No weights, do not use any hand hold support
Progression 3: Add dumbbells or kettlebells in both hands
Staggered Stance
Hip Hinge 3×15
Begin with one foot placed about a foot distance behind foot in front. Place most of body weight on the front leg. Hip forward and allow hips to shift backward, continue until you feel a slight hamstring stretch on the front leg. Return to starting position, repeat. Complete exercise on both sides.
Progression 1: No weights, hold onto surface with a hand for increased stability
Progression 2: No weights, do not use any hand hold support
Progression 3: Add dumbbells or kettlebells in both hands