Fitness – Strength & Longevity

Fitness – Strength & Longevity

The bent-over row and alternating gorilla row are very effective exercises to improve your power acceleration and speed for quicker swings and longer drives. They can also translate to having a strong, smooth and confident follow-through consistently on your golf swing. These specific workouts provide and focus on the stabilization of your strength throughout your upper body, which is known to be a significant determining factor when trying to get the most out of your swings. Improved posture, naturally flowing movement patterns, the transferring of energy toward your swing and injury prevention are some of the key benefits one could expect by incorporating these workouts into their weekly routine. 

Resistance Band Bent-Over Row

Use a medium- to heavy-sized resistance band (anywhere from 20 to 50lbs)

Place your feet shoulder width apart and get into a semi-squatted golf-like stance

Lean your upper body forward close to a 45-degree angle

Slide the resistance band under your feet flat

Pull the rest of the band up until you can start to feel the resistant tension

Once you are ready, slowly bring your arms up along the sides of your body until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and slightly above the surface of your back

At this point, hold the posture for 3-5 seconds and lower your arms back down in a slow and controlled manner

Repeat for 12-15 reps for 3 sets. Progression to dumbbells or barbells recommended

Alternating Gorilla Rows

Use light- to moderate-weight kettlebells (anywhere from 20 to 40lbs)

Place your feet shoulder width apart and get into a semi-squatted golf-like stance

Lean your upper body forward close to a 45-degree angle

Hold both kettlebells in hand with arms fully extended and resting

Once you are ready, slowly bring one kettlebell up along the side of your body until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle and slightly above the surface of your back

Lower the kettlebell back down to a full extension and repeat with the opposite kettlebell

Repeat for 12-15 reps for 3 sets

Progress in weight when comfortable

Jay Richardson is the Fitness Manager of the Nelson Sports Club. He has a Bachelor of Arts and Science in Sports Management from Johnson & Wales University, is a previous master fitness trainer in the U.S. Army and NASM Certified Personal Trainer. You can contact Jay at