Kimberly Howard
Oakhurst Golf Club
Hometown: Shepherd, Texas
How long have you been a cart girl? July will be one year.
In 10 years you would like to be: A college graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business and have a successful career.
Interesting facts about yourself: I was a member of the band and drill team through my four years of high school and I danced at Tyler Junior College as an Apache Belle. I’ve also been to six different countries.
Favorite foods: Pizza, Filipino food and chocolate covered strawberries.
If you had more time you would: Continue to travel the world.
The next risk you want to take is: Skydiving
Favorite music: Hip hop, pop and Texas country
Turn-ons: A southern gentleman who has a good sense of humor, a good personality, is respectful, has nice sense of style and a great smile.
Turn-offs: Smoking, arrogance, bad manners and ignorance.
Fantasy person to date: Zac Efron
What man’s age is too old to date? I’m 21, so 30 would be my cut-off age.
The best ways to impress you are: Make me laugh and surprises, because it shows that you pay attention to the little things about me.
Interests: Dancing, listening to music, going to the movies, picnics, enjoying the outdoors, hunting and reading.
Biggest tip: $100
College: Graduate from Tyler Junior college; now attending Sam Houston State University
Worst pick up line: “Dang, you have a bright future ‘behind’ you.”