Crystal Gonzalez
The Golf Club Fossil Creek
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas
How long have you been a cart girl? Two and a half years
In 10 years you would like to be: Able to check out my online shopping cart instead of filling it up and exiting out.
The most interesting fact about you: I can function with no sleep.
Favorite foods: Sushi, hands down!
If you had more time you would: be the person my Pinterest thinks I am.
The next risk you want to take is: Dating
Favorite music: If the artist’s name doesn’t start with “Lil” then I’ll listen to it.
Best way to impress you: Come visit me at Fossil Creek with food or coffee
Interests: Music, any social event, getting on my manager’s last nerve
College: University of Texas at Arlington
Celebrities served: I’m still waiting on Mark Walhberg to come visit me.