Golf / Instruction


The most common problem I see in all levels of players is incorrect wrist angles at the top of the swing. From the 30 handicapper to the scratch player I see this all of the time. Why are wrist angles so important? What are proper and improper wrist angles and how are wrist angles affected by the grip? What do …

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The most important club in the bag is the driver. There is no other club that sets you up for scoring success like the driver. When the driver is going long and straight, it takes a lot of pressure off of the rest of your game. PGA Tour statistics show that the closer you are to the green off of …

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Brandel Chamblee is a former PGA Tour player and a current commentator, writer, and lead studio analyst for Golf Channel. That means he is capable of analyzing golfers’ play from an insider’s view-point, having been-there-done-that. He is, moreover, not someone who merely makes desultory commentary like, “That player’s putting was not up to par today” or “This player looks like …

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You may have been thinking to yourself while watching the British Open this year, what the heck was on Tiger’s neck? Or you may already know about kinesiology tape, k-tape for short, from watching the Olympics in the last few years, or even watching Michelle Wie on the LPGA Tour. Since Tiger had K-tape on his neck at the British …

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Foam rolling can significantly decrease your chance of injury By Dr. Chris Miller Foam rolling is one of the most underrated and missing tools in most golf warm-up routines, as well as in most people’s workout warm-ups. Foam rolling is a crucial part in adding distance off the tee, in playing pain free golf and most importantly in reducing the …

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Fine-tuning your equipment could be the key to shaving strokes off your game. By Anthony Broussard How important are the tools a mechanic uses to get the job done? A mechanic that has the proper tools can be more efficient with time and the quality of their work. The same is true for the best golfers in the world. There …

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Could playing golf aid your efforts to live longer? By Kiran Kanwar “The first person to live to 150 years has already been born,” claims Dr. David Sinclair, co-director of a laboratory on aging at Harvard Medical School. And this idea may not be very far-fetched as it is known that humans are living longer, healthier lives because of the …

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There are plenty of daily fee courses scattered across the Metroplex. Simple, difficult, great shape, goat ranch… you have a lot of options to put a tee in the ground and let it rip. However, some daily fee courses stand out among the many choices around the area. If an interesting layout that challenges every club in your bag at …

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How often do you practice putting? When I played professionally I spent at least an hour a day working on putts inside 6 feet. I would be willing to bet that if you asked any professional golfer how much time they dedicate to putting each day, you would get a similar answer. I know the average person does not have …

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Would you like to hit the ball further by using some science-based interventions? Well then, all you need to do is apply some extra force to the club-head so it can be transferred to the golf ball! The best way to do this is to harness external force, primarily by “using the ground properly”. Dr. Scott Lynn, a professor in …

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