Fitness – Stability vs. Mobility

One of the most important aspects of a successful golf swing is finding balance between stability and mobility of your swing. An imbalance of stability in the lower back and mobility of the mid-back may be what is limiting your full potential to utilize power through your golf swing. If you are tight, you can’t get full range in your swing. If you are unstable, it makes it challenging to control the movement.
It is common to see tightness in the mid-back, thoracic spine region, limiting a golfer from achieving full range during a golf swing. Many golfers who lack range of motion in this area will increase their risk of injury by using compensated movements, such as overusing your arms to increase the backswing. Decreased rotation also prevents the ability to preload your muscle, resulting in a lack of power of your swing.
In relationship with mid-back mobility, core stability is equally important to maintain your body’s posture and position as you swing back and through impact. This also plays an important role to help you transfer power through impact, while decreasing risk for swaying or sliding
Here are four exercises we suggest to improve your core stability and mid-back mobility:
Banded Mid-Back Rotation 3×12
Start in a golf posture stance with arms fully extended against a resistance band. Rotate toward the right side using your mid-back, making sure to keep arms extended and maintain knees slightly bent. Return to starting position, then proceed to rotate toward the left.
Pallof Press 3×12
Begin standing with feet shoulder width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold onto the handle of a resistance band with arms and hands close to your body. Utilizing your core, push your hands out and extend your arms fully. Return to starting position with your hands close to your body. Perform for reps, making sure to keep a straight posture.
Chops 3×12
Begin in standing position with feet shoulder width apart. Hold onto a resistance band that is attached to a fixed object with both hands. Start with the resistance band at your right hip, with your body slightly rotated to the right. Lift and rotate your arms upward and toward the opposite side of your head, using trunk rotation to follow through the movement. Rotate and return back to the starting position.
Resistance Band Runners Marches 2×20
Begin standing with a looped resistance band wrapped around your toes. Lift one knee up to hip level and pulse your knee up and down while keeping your leg in the air. Focus on using your core to lift your knee and maintain single leg balance. Repeat on the other leg.
Dr. Aubrey Starnes and Dr. Amanda Kayser are Doctors of Physical Therapy and Titleist Performance Institute certified practitioners. Both work with clients privately and at The Nelson Golf & Sports Club. Kayser Physical Therapy & Fitness can be contacted at